One of various Christmas poems I have written over the years, this post/poem is taken from my gay-interest poetry blog archives for December 2013. I subscribe to no religion yet the spirit of Christmas always touches me, and takes me down Memory Lane, especially perhaps as I was born on the winter solstice, just four days before Christmas Day...
The Christmas Peace of 1914 is legendary. On Christmas Eve 1914, men of the British Expeditionary Force (B.E.F.) heard German troops in the trenches opposite singing carols, spotted lanterns and small fir trees along their trenches. They started shouting messages to each other and the following day, British and German troops met in no man’s land to exchange gifts, take photographs and even play impromptu games of football. Tragically it made no difference to four more years of the war meant to end all wars…
If Christmas and other religious festivals are about peace and love, why don’t we see more of it in everyday life?
For those lovers (gay or straight) who have found both in a meaningful relationship with each other, family, and friends…ENJOY.
For those lovers (gay or straight) who are less fortunate, ENJOY every precious moment with each other.
Can there be any greater comfort and joy than love? For religious minded people, may they enjoy their festivals, but let’s all remember that religion has no more a monopoly grip on love than it has on the human spirit.
If Christmas and other religious festivals are about peace and love, why don’t we see more of it in everyday life?
For those (gay or straight) who have found both in a lasting, meaningful relationship with each other, family, and friends…ENJOY.
For those (gay or straight) who are less fortunate, ENJOY every precious moment with each other.
Can there be any greater comfort and joy than love? For religious minded people, may they enjoy their festivals, but let’s all remember that religion has no more a monopoly grip on love than it has on the human spirit.
This poem is a villanelle.
One day, close to Christmas,
long, long, ago…
cock robin sang for us
Bigots had been unkind to us,
dealt a savage blow
one day, close to Christmas
Icy rain, camouflage for tears
we refused to show
cock robin sang for us
A kind snowman hid our fears
under a coat of snow;
one day, close to Christmas
In a time of gifts and promises
(prayers to follow?)
cock robin sang for us
Love, defying even wintry years
to chill us to the marrow;
one day, close to Christmas,
cock robin sang for us…
Copyright R. N. Taber 2008
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