A Poet's Blog: Roger N.Taber shares his thoughts & poems...

Thoughts and observations by English poet Roger N. Taber, a retired librarian and poet-novelist.- "Ethnicity, Religion, Gender, Sexuality ... these are but parts of a whole. It is the whole that counts." RNT [NB While I have no wish to create a social network, I will always reply to critical emails about my poetry. Contact: rogertab@aol.com].

Location: London, United Kingdom

Sadly, a bad fall in 2012 has left me with a mobility problem, and being diagnosed with prostate cancer the same year hasn't helped, but I get out and about with my trusty walking stick as much as I can, take each day as it comes and try to keep looking on the bright(er) side of life. Many of my poems reflect the need to nurture a positive-thinking mindset whatever life throws at us.

Saturday 18 December 2021

Hi, folks, from London UK


Hi folks,

Yes, it's me again, without a poem I'm afraid, but am working on one, so...soon.

We all know that the pandemic has proven to be a very stressful time for most of us, young and old alike for various reasons. Every death affects  family and friends, while grief is hard enough to deal with at any time, let alone in the middle of a pandemic.. The news about the omicron variant likely to cause fewer deaths and less serious illness is encouraging, but scary nonetheless as it is still too early to be sure just how potent the new variant will prove to be. Hopefully, the scientists will soon have sufficient data to be clearer on the matter. I the meantime, many people are as confused as they are frightened; a recipe if ever there was one for stress

We can but do our best to cope, not only with our own stress, but bear in mind that we are not alone, make allowances where appropriate for family, friends, neighbours, even strangers whose behaviour is clearly disproportionate to whatever we may have said or done to annoy, upset, anger them...whatever. We need to try, also, to keep an eye on anyone who lives alone and may need practical and/or emotional support. I don't mean just the elderly, either, as I suspect there are a good few people of all ages who are feeling anxious this weekend, unwilling to get on the phone to even family or friends and admit they feel as though they are trapped on a sinking ship. (A n excessive metaphor perhaps and the ship isn't going to sink, but I suspect most if not all of you know exactly what I mean.  

I, for one, have had that sinking feeling for some months. So far, so good in so far as I eventually manage to rise above it and talk myself into a more hopeful, positive mindset; never an easy journey whether short or long and even the shorter time it takes can seem l-o-n-g anyway. I have to keep giving myself little pep talks, remind myself that there are plenty of people out there a lot worse off than me, not least the critically ill, rough sleepers and those for whom the current stress, confusion and fear  stress is exacerbating  what were already trying circumstances before anyone had even heard of the Covid-19 coronavirus and its subsequent mutations.

So, what can we do to alleviate stress? Good question, no easy answers. Each of us in our own way, though, can find answers in where we have found them in the past; relax and enjoy favourite music, television, radio programmes... whatever it takes to help us relax. Chatting to family and friends on the phone is always a good idea, especially if  sharing a laugh or a good chuckle; not for nothing do they say that laughter is the best medicine... for most ills, including stress. Favourite, well-worn, familiar paths are always the best; the chances are we we risk being more stressed out than ever if we try something new.  As my mother used to say, "You need to want to take up a challenge because you know it will make you feel good, not because anyone else thinks so...."

Stress is an illness, too few of us are prepared to admit to; it needs treating, sometimes medically, sometimes it can be enough to let mind-body-spirit find its own relief; firstly, though, we need to stop being in denial and get real. Yes, yes, I know... yet again, easier said than done...

When Mind tells us to play safe, we need to listen; when body tells us to relax, we need to listen; when the spirit that knows us only too well, tells us to think positively, considerately and responsibly...yea, we need to listen. Oh, and yes, I do try to 'practice what I preach, but - like all of you - I am only human, so won't always succeed. 😉

I can't say that politicians are my favourite species of person, but I guess they are caught between a rock and a hard place, wanting to do be seen to be doing  their best by the electorate while having to keep the economy on as even a keel as possible, especially given the kind of global crisis in which we all find ourselves tight now. At the same time, it doesn't help when the elite in society - including politicians - give the impression that they believe in one set of rules for the likes of you and me and another for themselves; few things gall mind-body-spirit more than hypocrisy...

Enough of my ramblings. It just remains for me to say thanks again for dropping by, stay safe, keep well, continue to nurture a positive-thinking mindset, remember we are all in the same proverbial boat and we will NOT let it sink us...well, not if mind-body-spirit has anything to say on the matter.

Take care everyone and I'll be back with a poem as soon as I get a glimmer of inspiration...😉



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